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Fw: Net Noise
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A freind and colleague of mine was kind enough to forward me this. I'm
even kinder to forward it to all of you. :)Announcement CALL FOR
SUBMISSIONS: CTHEORY Multimedia Deadline: December 15, 2002.Issue 4: Net
Noise The Curators of CTHEORY Multimedia, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker &
Timothy Murray, seek finished projects of electronic art ready to be
mounted on-line and archived in CTHEORY Multimedia. What is the sound of
art on the Net?A sound of wireless motion and dark noise. The surging
sound of coding, network streaming and file-surfing. The almost
undetectable whispers of splicing, mixing and mutating noise into a
brilliant tattoo on the skin of the digital. The viral backbone of
digital culture, Net Noise sounds the electronic pulse of connectivity,
the babble of chat, the pings of hits, and the silent tracking of
back-orifice hacking. What happens when sound resonates images with such
intensity that art shudders, finds itself wandering in a spectral space
not of its own making? What happens when digi tracks and whirligigs
provide the electrodrip of house sound and dawn rave that haunt the net
with viral accoustics? What happens when the net hears murmurs of
strange new codes--digital looping, sound displacement, time
compression, phasal syncopation--and suddenly opens up into a new
electronic universe, speaking the vernacular of sounds recombinant fit
for speed travel across the crystal palaces of the image matrix? When
the Net finally begins to speak, when the codes of the wired world
finally find a voice, we are suddenly projected into an art of the
cyber-ear, listening intently to what artists of Net Noise have to tell
us about the distended ear of digital sound/images. Please send a
description of your project, including conceptual abstract, technical
format, and preview URL, to the CTHEORY Multimedia Curators:
ctheorym@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To view CTHEORY Multimedia, please visit:
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