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Re: [microsound] mp3 label practicalities
Speaking of which...why use mp3's or especially RA's when there are
ogg's? Ogg vorbis is free and open source, is supported by winamp and I
think macamp (?) and best of all, it makes much higher quality files
much smaller than mp3. Even smaller than variable bitrate mp3...
Check out this study for a blind test comparison between ogg and other
The only real problem with ogg is that it's not streamable... and it is
currently supported on any portable player, true, but the ogg people are
in talks with some hardware manufacturers, and since it's free to use it
seems likely that they'll all support ogg soon enough...
* vadim sprikut wrote (Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 04:54:17PM -0800):
> another question regarding your mp3/cd-r labels: do most of you use
> mp3 as the format for audio content (esp. for samples of longer
> works)? i run across a fair amount of sites that still use Realaudio,
> which i cant stand. i had to uninstall it because of its intrusiveness
> and because it impaired my OS (win2k).
> the main tradeoff is file size...a number of people have commented on
> the lack of bandwith and how expensive it can get. it seems like for
> many people, this is more a labor of love than any kind of financial
> venture so RA would be more efficient that way; at least thats the
> impression i get from visiting various sites.
> v'
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