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Re: [microsound] Re: Laptop Questions
im relatively new to this, but i am using a cheapy desktop 2.0ghz P4
processor, 512mb medion(?) winXP laptop from a popular discount retail
store. i think they got a batch imported. i use mulch, reaktor and some
other stuff and it runs nice a fast. i can build much, much larger ensembles
in reaktor than i could on my AMD K2 650mhz PC. i considered getting a mac
but i just couldnt afford it.
ps: i have an urge to warn everyone to backup their stuff at the moment. i
had to format my laptop the other day and lost 4 years worth of
samples/feild recordings, tons of downloaded stuff which was probably weeks
of d/ling on a 56k and all my newest pieces. not very fun
klk002 out now!
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