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pd workshop in sheffield
Malte Steiner - PD presentation and workshop
Digital audio artist, Malte Steiner is currently working in a residency
at Access Space - Sheffield's open access free media-lab. Steiner is
working with the open-source sound application 'PD' see
http://www.pure-data.org for more info.
=46or an introduction to this incredible piece of software, and the work
Malte has produced, you are invited to attend the following events:
=46riday 29th
- presentation (6.00pm), free, all welcome - Access Space, 1 Sidney
Street Sheffield. Refreshments served from 5.30 onwards.
Saturday 30th
- 2 hr workshop (2pm-4pm), limited places available - book early to
avoid disappointment (email ed@xxxxxxxxxxx, tamar@xxxxxxxxxxx or drop
in) - Access Space, 1 Sidney Street, Sheffield.
More Information online at:
http://www.access.lowtech.org/e-gehirn (online diary)
Please get in touch if you would like any more information
Access Space
1 Sidney Street
S1 4RG
0114 2495522
Malte Steiner
next events:
18.-30. november artist in residency @ Access Space Sheffield,UK
25. november Hallam University Sheffield, UK
14. december Elektronengehirn live @ K=FCnstlerhaus Sootb=F6rn, Hamburg, Ger=
28. december Elektronengehirn live @ Hoerbar, Hamburg, Germany
current release:
Elektronengehirn: contribution for THE DOOR CD Sampler
new on block4:
Xyramat 'Electronically'