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Re: [microsound] mp3 label practicalities, ogg impracticalities
* ph!L @ c e n t i b e l wrote (Sat, Nov 23, 2002 at 10:47:13AM -0800):
> The other problem with Ogg is that, because it's not as standard, it's
> more likely that some people won't be able to play the files. The first
> time I put Oggs on my site, some of them were unplayable by people with
> Macs, no matter what software they used. I've since given up and now use
> mp3's instead because I want people to actually hear the stuff on my
> label. It doesn't help that Windows Media Player doesnt support Oggs and
> Winamp only does so through a plugin. Apple refuses to incorporate Ogg's
> into QT6. You can (politely) ask Apple to change their mind by going
> here:
> http://qtcomponents.sourceforge.net/applefeedback.php
> But I'm sticking with mp3 for now until reliable Ogg players are
> available for every platform.
> ph
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> Phil Thomson
> http://www3.telus.net/thisisphil/
> http://centibel.vze.com/
> http://everything.does.it/
> speaker/interlocutor (xenophony media, canada)
> scan (s'agita, italy)
> synat (acidfake, macedonia)
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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> <-----Original Message----->
> >
> >From: Soren Goodman
> >Sent: 23/11/2002 10:42:58 AM
> >To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: [microsound] mp3 label practicalities
> >
> >Speaking of which...why use mp3's or especially RA's when there are
> >ogg's? Ogg vorbis is free and open source, is supported by winamp and I
> >think macamp (?) and best of all, it makes much higher quality files
> >much smaller than mp3. Even smaller than variable bitrate mp3...
> >
> >Check out this study for a blind test comparison between ogg and other
> >formats:
> >http://www.infoanarchy.org/story/2002/9/8/23472/23921
> >
> >The only real problem with ogg is that it's not streamable... and it is
> >currently supported on any portable player, true, but the ogg people
> are
> >in talks with some hardware manufacturers, and since it's free to use
> it
> >seems likely that they'll all support ogg soon enough...
> >
> >
> >S
> >
> >* vadim sprikut wrote (Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 04:54:17PM -0800):
> >
> > another question regarding your mp3/cd-r labels: do most of you use
> > mp3 as the format for audio content (esp. for samples of longer
> > works)? i run across a fair amount of sites that still use Realaudio,
> > which i cant stand. i had to uninstall it because of its intrusiveness
> > and because it impaired my OS (win2k).
> >
> > the main tradeoff is file size...a number of people have commented on
> > the lack of bandwith and how expensive it can get. it seems like for
> > many people, this is more a labor of love than any kind of financial
> > venture so RA would be more efficient that way; at least thats the
> > impression i get from visiting various sites.
> >
> > v'