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Re: [microsound] mp3 label practicalities, ogg impracticalities

yeah, well i'm a mac user and had the same problem as ph!L. couldn't open any of
the ogg files... and because it was so annoying i stopped tracking down tracks
in ogg format. it's possible that this has changed now, but don't we already
have a big enough mess with all the non-standards. at least i can just download
any mp3 track and open up in quicktime or wherever without having to bother. i'd
rather have things work... greets to the list, ralph.

Derek Holzer schrieb:

> hello ph!l,
> don't know how long ago you tried this, but the vorbis 1.0 release has really
> cleared up a lot of incompatibilities. see
> http://www.vorbis.com/software.psp
> for a lists of all third party software with ogg support for any platform you
> can imagine.
> d.
> Quoting "ph!L @ c e n t i b e l" <hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > The other problem with Ogg is that, because it's not as standard, it's
> > more likely that some people won't be able to play the files. The first
> > time I put Oggs on my site, some of them were unplayable by people with
> > Macs, no matter what software they used.
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