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Re: [microsound] A remark about the list

Hey, you're in Boulder.  You should come to my show because I'm soooo great.  
I'll have posters and CDs and underoos with my face on them so your significant 
other with think you're cool too.

just kidding.

I agree with all of what you said whole-heartedly.  The only thing is you're 
missing the bigger picture.  Your mini-rant about diy-labels is true in some 
cases but it's also offensive to those people who have been musicians for many 
years and refuse to submit to the commercial music industry.  What those people 
you are describing are doing is also offensive.  The fact is it's just 
annoying.  If your music sucks and you have put no 
thought/heart/talent/whatever into it then it will not stand.  You are just 
making it harder for people who want an audience that respects their music, not 
their advertising.  

  I've been making music for years and I have never sold a single CD.  I give 
CDs away for free.  These CDs have handwritten titles and usually don't even 
come with a case.  If some random person got a hold of one they would have no 
idea who made it.  I've given out over a thousand of these CDs and there are 
only a couple that are the same.  I have gotten nothing for doing this except 
the occasional joy when someone sincerly likes what I'm doing.

  Be kind to those of us that have little income, lots of music and no outlet.  
It is tremendously frustrating when you feel you're doing something great and 
original and there is nobody to hear it.  You wonder why people sell out?  I 

 On that note, the only time I get annoyed when people put links or show dates 
on their posts is if it sucks and that is completely subjective.  I've found 
some really cool stuff following links from people's posts and I hope they 


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---- On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, fatih kizilgok (fkizilgok@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> Hello!
> I would love to see what everybody else think about people that just use 
> this list as an advertisement board? I mean, I do enjoy reading the 
> discussions, they are very informative for someone like me that is ONLY AN 
> AUDIENCE MEMBER. (I do not practice every interesting music that I enjoy as 
> most of the people here seems to do.) Ok, I only get the digest version, and 
> man, Seeing Twine ads and a little footnote (discography, concert dates, 
> girlfriend blurbs etc.) under most people's e-mail is really distracting and 
> a little funny. It seems like this is a growing activity among the 
> underground. Why would someone do such a thing while in the same time 
> criticizing the mass media noise? Would you feel comfortable if you were on 
> a car-racing list and people would just post pictures of their own cars and 
> rant about their rave machines and tell you dates of when they will drive 
> through your town? I just want to overhear discussions about intellectual 
> ideas about music and sound, and actually this list does it really well only 
> if you could filter out where the new up-coming ARTIST is playing next week 
> and what url to go to to check out his mp3s.
> It seems like the appreciation-refuse relationship is changing in our times, 
> you do not need any fans to be famous, you do not need to be a appreciated 
> musician in order to perform, you do need to get your demo to record labels 
> in order to get it released. You could be famous by believing firmly that 
> you are respectable, you could record every single button push and release 
> it on your own, you could create your own covers by following the trends. 
> This could be te result of the croni-DIY era, huh? You buy a cd, you like 
> the music, you get on the internet, you look at concert pictures, gear lists 
> etc. to figure out what gear musicians use, then, you go down to guitar 
> center, or go online again and let your credit card do the rest. After you 
> have all the gear, you go through the manuals and figure out how to get your 
> INSTRUMENT to bearly work and try to imitate the sounds you have heard on 
> the cd. After you record your COMPOSITIONS and naming them ACCORDINGLY, 
> depending on the length of music you could come up with, you go online again 
> to order 100 3" cdrs or 100 normal cdrs and burn them home without the 
> labels and most likely put them in a clear see-through MINIMALIST cover. 
> Then go online again, buy a url and server space and name it 
> www.awordfromajohncagebook.com or www.thisworddoesexistinthedictionary.com 
> and then sell your cd online. Also make sure you emphasize the limited 
> editionness of your cd to make people believe that there is some other kind 
> of superior value to your cd than the music it contains. Then, post your cd 
> and url on a mailing list so you can get a crowd and also start thinking how 
> cool you are going to be on stage with your new gear making music that most 
> AUDIENCE members will not understand unless they are interested in your 
> gear.
> I am sure this post of mine could piss some people off, but that is ok as 
> long as they explain to me why I am wrong. I also wanted to say to those who 
> spoiled my ears with their genius music over the years, Thank you very much 
> for your geniuneness and shining the light through so much crap that the 
> digitalist post-modern times brought to my life.
> special note for Twine: I am sorry I used your name, but I chose you as the 
> poster-child because, I have heard you perform live here in Boulder at BMOCA 
> and I did not think you were as accomplished as you believe and want to make 
> believe that you are. I remember you wrote something on somewhere on the 
> internet saying you could spit out a merzbow track in half an hour.  I could 
> easily say the same thing about your music actually, it is very on the 
> surface and does not strike any kind of emotions or feelings about life nor 
> music and sound itself. (from what I have heard so-far that is) it is not 
> the time that counts in order to make as genuine a music as Merzbow does. I 
> am sure before you even now what a microphone or a filter was, Merzbow was 
> investigating the hidden depths of sound,noise and music. Although, I would 
> also like to say that I liked your work with Mark Amerika on Filmtext. I 
> thought your project with Mark in Japan was very interesting from what I 
> heard from him and john Vega.
> Goodbye.
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