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Re: [microsound] Linux questions Michal Seta Off topic


( 02.11.22 01:14 +0100 ) Derek Holzer:
> 3) gentoo is supposed to be a very well developed distro. but then
> again a gentoo developer whispered that in my ear last weekend... :-)

Gentoo's pretty cool. I run it and like it [but I *like* openBSD ...].

The audio stuff is not bleeding edge. I have been working on the
pd/jack/ardour combo in the quicktoots [search for 'quicktoot'] and jack
was there, but ardour-cvs wouldn't build [emerge] and libsndfile was out
of date.

The portage part of it is great, but if you're oriented toward windows,
it might not be the best way to get going.

Good luck!

\js    '~   )|           `   $":"#)> [        !  
