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Re: [microsound] On the benefits/disadvantages of CDR as a medium for distributing music...

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 14:16:51 +0000 Christopher Murphy <chris@xxxxxxxxx>
> Just wondered how everyone felt about the issue of releasing music on
> and/or the whole issue of CDR only labels. There seem to be quite a few
> who feel that CDR is a non-medium, which disappoints me as I think
there are
> quite a few CDR only labels who's work is very compelling and of 
> extremely high quality (Barcelona's Alku label, in particular, springs
to mind).
Hi Christopher and all. For me, this issue is such a clear-cut matter of
practicality, that I have a hard time understanding why there would be
any question at all of it's reasoning and value.	 Like you and several
people have already intimated, until a consumer is placed in the position
of that of the artist and/or label, they have no clue as to what kind of
physical, mental, financial, etc kinds of energy it takes to have a
finished "product" placed in their hands. So when I hear a half-witted
remark about artistic value based upon either the type of format or some
"authoritative" publication, my proverbial head starts to
And as for "proper printing" and packaging being important to a release,
I agree, but only to a certain extent. For one thing, is it not true that
many a mediocre soundwork have been wrapped in a beautiful package and
vice versa? As much as I love and appreciate design, for me, a release is
really about the music. If I waited around for both to occur in the same
release, I would hardly ever buy music. And what that would mean for each
person, obviously would vary, as well.									
"Proper" printing calls for "proper" money, so until someone pays for me
to do a 4 color separation or offset black and white printing job for
each of my releases, they're going to get the next best thing in the
meantime. When one does the best they can with the resources they have,
no apologies or pandering justifications should be necessary.
Best, Dale													
Dale Lloyd:  http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html                       
and/OAR:  http://www.and-oar.org/

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