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hidden from the audience

Alex Keller wrote:

> saturday
> december 7
> 2002
> at 8 pm
> you are invited to attend
> threshold of hearing
> an evening of minimalist electronic sound performances
> at which the artists will be hidden to the audience

Alex:  All the best with the show.  Great to see the
"hidden from the audience" aspect.  Those who attend
events often have a tendency to, instead of using their
ears and focusing on the sound, gawking with their eyes
(a la "woah; look they're using laptops!") and thus end
up missing much of the music.  Personally, I've had to
resort to sitting on the floor at the very back of the
stage or in the shadows to try to get people to focus
on the music and not me and my laptop.  My joke with
friends in the music scene is that people are so used
to seeing a "performance" (picture a guitar band
jumping around on stage) that as soon as they see a
laptop, they're like a deer caught in the
lights--transfixed and unable to listen because they're
so busy staring.  So my joke is that I'll change my
performing name from Andrew Duke to The Andrew Dukes (a
la The Vines, The White Strokes, and other "popular"
"performance" bands that jump around and have a name
that starts with "The") and wear my laptop with a strap
and hold it like a guitar; maybe that way people will
listen instead of look when I'm playing a live PA. Take
care. Andrew

albums out now: Sprung (http://bip-hop.com) 
More Destructive Than Organized 
Highest Common Denominator (http://pieheadrecords.com)
Physical and Mental Health (http://dialrecords.com) 
74'02 (split with Hypo) (http://tsunami-addiction.com)
check Cognition (http://techno.ca/cognition)
for upcoming appearance and release updates
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