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Re: [microsound] adorno essays

Aaron Ximm wrote:

> > >In UPPERCASE there are no nuances.

> [...]

> However, I also stand by my misreading ~ use of all caps is a hallmark of
> hyperbole in online discourse, and this topic is certainly one that often
> brings out the hyperbolic in people (myself included).

O come on, online discourse is much closer to conversation/talk than to
written essays and that's why people use all kinds of devices to trick the
medium into being more like verbal discourse (emoticons, caps, what have
you).  Bill's use of EVERYTHING was -- in my eyes -- an emphasis, not a
hyperbole.  Just imagine how that sentence would sound if spoken aloud, for me
that sentence meant something like: societal influences have A LOT to do with
how a work is evaluated.

"Red guard"?  Sorry, I am not sure whether I understand you correctly here
because I don't know what "the sendero luminoso" is, but the gist of your
posting seems to be a warning against extremism (pinkish of course.) and I
think Brian Eno's essay posted in another mail to this list really says it
all: why do Americans immediately think of socialism when it is a question of
__reducing social extremes___ or considering societal influences in the first
place?  A sociological view is not a socialist view.  Considering social
factors in the creation of art is not communism but for people steeped in
Romanticism (hurray, bringing this up again) everything, EVERYTHING impinging
on their view of 'pure art' seems to smell of soviet gulags.

I am using hyperbole here and consciously and angrily.  Sorry, but I am so
pissed by American politics at the moment that I might lose my balance.  (Now
this is really off topic).

