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new ENT mp3

Hi all.... =20
here ENT,
is out now!!!
on "Quantize Vs. the Human Feel"
a free download compilation curated by QUANTIZE RECORDS
(feat. Cable Corp - Wang Inc - Pleo  and many more..)
our latest song

>>>   People Fade Out.mp3  (ENT + f.tesser)
>>>   http://www.quantize-records.com/

our tnx to all at Quantize and  f.tesser for his visit during the sessions
and... of course, tnx to all who download this and the others tracks.

http://www.ent-love.org/   [temp site]

also available on line_____________________________________________________=

- Jingle Banjo for Tu m'Airlines.mp3 (for Tu M'p3 Winter Release)

- ENT @"BATOFAR CHERCHE L'ITALIE" festival  (Batofar - Paris)
http://www.batofar.org/italie/   real audio on AUDIO & VIDEO section

- My Avatar Is A Normal Guy.mp3

- Wake Up! It's A Sunny Day.mp3 (for Tu M'p3 Web Label)
http://www.tu-m.com/tump3.htm   - please enter on artists archive

- Karl.mp3=20
http://www.fat-cat.co.uk/demo/  -  please enter on artists archive

available on CD____________________________________________________________=

- "Night Texture" for  C=E0ncer "5 rmx_ep" on Ojo De Apolo Records (Chile)
feat. also: Coeval, Gradient Communication, Notstandkomitee, Lem

- "Stop Stealing CDs From My Car" on Broken Keyboard Comp. on Under My Bed
Record (Milano/London)

- "Cohai" demo/CDR (2002)

- "ENT" demo/CDR (2001)
