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- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 02:26:10 -0500
- >from: "Tonio nono" <flashram000@hotmail.com>
- >message-id: <F80YLWBgQgQEusqXC0e0001e9ca@hotmail.com>
- >subject: Re: merzbow DAY OF SEALS
- >to: microsound@hyperreal.org
>well, i am under the impression that, the more merzbow the better. but
>seriously, 'day of seals' is an excellent album. it is very distortion
>heavy & "noisy", but not all over the place like 'a taste of...' & not as
>rythmic as 'amlux'. i consider 'amlux' to be my personal favorite merzbow
>release of 2002, but a friend of mine who works at a record store posted
>'day of seals' as one of his top ten. i asked him, "is 'day of seals'
better than 'amlux' just because it's more merzbow, or is it >consitently a
better album in yr opinion?" the conclusion was that 'amlux' is a more
>consistent release, but a lot of that has to do with the single disc
>format. because 'day of seals' was released over four discs, the quantity
quality merzbow is just greater. there are tracks of 'day of seals' >that
could be considered weaker than others, & even weaker than on other >merzbow
releases in 2002. but the sheer amount of quality merzbow tracks >on 'day
seals' is enough to make it a worthwhile investment. so, 'amlux' is >still
my personal favorite release for 2002, but 'day of seals' is definately
>worth it in my opinion in the sense that it is more quality merzbow for yr
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