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Re: [microsound] mp3 redux

> > > ---No one can really know that. You are stating that you know that =
> > > "asteroid" just happened to be coming our way

the maya calendar also talk about this. take a look to www.tortuga.com=20
or read "the maya factor" from Jose Arguelles.

andrea (red galactic moon)

-----Messaggio Originale-----=20
Da: "dbuchwald" <dagmar.buchwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
A: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Data invio: luned=EC 27 gennaio 2003 0.36
Oggetto: Re: [microsound] mp3 redux

> A theory is only accepted as proven as long as it was not possible to =
> it.  There are no proven theories, only provisionally accepted working
> theories.  Theories that cannot be falsified are non-scientific =
theories, at
> least according to Popper.  There is no such thing as "truth" in =
> Dagmar
> Peter McCarter wrote:
> > > ---No one can really know that. You are stating that you know that =
> > > "asteroid" just happened to be coming our way. You're forgetting =
> > other
> > > plausible unexplainable causes...and until you disprove a variety =
of other
> > > possibilities you can't without any doubt no what killed the =
> > > Maybe "they" are thinking about killing us? Who knows??
> > nonsense.  It is not necessary to disprove every other opposing =
theory to
> > prove one theory.  by proving one theory to be the truth you are, =
> > disproving all other theories.
> >
> > peter
> >
> > =
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