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Re: [microsound] futurismo!

> rather than debate this with you I'll let an expert outline fascism
> for you...sound familiar?
>   "Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge
> of state and corporate power."
>     - Benito Mussolini

Hmm, the definition of corporatism that mussolini was using might be a bit
different than what see today.  Fascism and Corporatism have the same
general root word, they both refer to the body.  Italian fascism was created
by taking the religious sturcture of catholicism and turning it into a
political ideology.  The church believed that the world was structured in a
similar manner to the human body.  We're all parts, the blood cells, the
skin, whatever.  Jesus/God is the head.  So whatever small task we're doing
we can still be happy that we're in the big plan, the body of christ.  We
all work for the greater good of the body, which is dictated by the head.
For the cynical, it's a way of structuring society so people are happy with
whatever menial task they must do in life.  So Mussolini had the brilliant
idea of rotating himself into the place of god.  He became the dictator, the
head.  The body was italy and the italian people.  Since it mirrored their
existing religious structure it was easy for them to stomach.  The modern
corporation is structured roughly the same way.  Now america hasn't gotten
this bad yet.  We still have three heads (remember civics?).  However as the
executive branch becomes stronger and we indulge more of the personal agenda
of Mr. Bush, the more it looks we're working for him and less like he's
working for us.  When we start working for what he says is the good of the
nation and he can openly defy the other branches of government, then we'll
have fascism.  But, I wouldn't worry until we have a crisis that requires us
to postpone an election.  Postponing elections is the preferred method of
moving from a democracy to a dictatorship slowly enough that no one thinks
to complain.  I'd say we are closer to having a fascist state in america
now, than ever before.  Also, keep in mind the structure of fascism as it
relates to the modern corporation the next time you hear a politician
promise to run the government like a buisness.  Running the government like
a buisness is fascism, after all...
