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Re: [microsound] translation -- not an useful response

sorry for the wrong date and the re-(not a useful) post

>The term "microsound" was, I think, first used by Xenakis in _Formalized
>Music_, but only in the English translation. The chapters in the English
>edition which are not in the French original were based on articles
>published elsewhere in French. If anyone has the citation for the
>original French articles, particularly the one entitled "New Proposals
>in Microsound Structure," one could discover what Xenakis' original
>French term was. But I suspect it was "micro-son".

....it sounds to me as he wanted to write "sound microstructure", 
c'est a dire: microstructure du son... so "micro-son" should be a 
possibly proper translation...
"microsuono" in italian sounds anyway quite bad... but we could get 
used to it, as for almost anything, I suppose.... don't know about 
"micro-son" for french speaking people...

