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Re: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war

fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>  I beg to differ on your genetic fallacy statement, however. Those who

>love to slander the US overseas get their ideas about the US and are as
>pig-ignorant about how things work here as some Yankees are
>embarrassingly deficient in their knowledge of anything outside of their
>city.  It is the same the world over.  Toqueville is an extremely high
>standard to set for the rabble that wish ill will toward America.

Well, what should they know about the US, Rudy?  That the US is a 
republic and not a democracy?  Or that they should understand that the 
US reserves the right to ignore international law as it sees fit but 
expects others to abide by it as it sees fit?  Is that how you feel 
about people who have double standards?  Hussein has flaunted 17 UN 
resolutions.  Israel has done so 64 times with US backing.  Is that how 
"things work here?"

You can't whine about being understood when you're a Machiavellian.  All 
you can do is flex muscle.  and likewise, you can't whine when others go 
Machiavellian and flex theirs with you.  the world doesn't wish ill will 
toward the US.  The world only wishes that the US would get a taste of 
its own medicine.  I think the best way would be economic.  Let's see 
the Middle East countries switch to petro-euros from petro-dollars and 
then let's see a new world economic order develop that cuts the US out 
of the pie for awhile.  That's the best Machiavellian result.  And when 
it happens, you can't cry :-)

>That is the fault of those who exchange democracy and republic as
>interchangeable words.  The school systems here suck, and you should
>know this.  But it's not so much better in Europe, despite what some of
>our European mates might say (and this coming from one who received
>primary education there).

Oh I'd say it's a lot more than the school systems in the US.  I'd say 
it has a lot more to do with ideology.  After all, Rudy, not everyone is 
as decent as you and wears their fascism out there for all to see.  Most 
of the right in the states like to pretend to be democrats and care 
about what the people think.

I find your politics pretty odious, but I do give you a lot of credit. 
 At least you come right out and situate yourself.  That's far better 
than most.  Unfortunately, for you, this means you will now have to 
endure a lot of lefty stuff from this list in mostly isolation, and when 
you complain about it, knowing where you're coming from, we'll now be 
able to ignore you.  :-)

