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Re: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war
To cut things very short: The US has no UN vote for war in Iraq.
It is breaking law of nations by fighting a preventive war.
I'm not really interested why or with whom. A superpower offensively
ignoring international law in this wide range is opening spaces for a
completely new world order, and I'm sure that this will not be based on
love and understanding...
billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I beg to differ on your genetic fallacy statement, however. Those who
>> love to slander the US overseas get their ideas about the US and are as
>> pig-ignorant about how things work here as some Yankees are
>> embarrassingly deficient in their knowledge of anything outside of their
>> city. It is the same the world over. Toqueville is an extremely high
>> standard to set for the rabble that wish ill will toward America.
> Well, what should they know about the US, Rudy? That the US is a
> republic and not a democracy? Or that they should understand that the
> US reserves the right to ignore international law as it sees fit but
> expects others to abide by it as it sees fit? Is that how you feel
> about people who have double standards? Hussein has flaunted 17 UN
> resolutions. Israel has done so 64 times with US backing. Is that
> how "things work here?"
> You can't whine about being understood when you're a Machiavellian.
> All you can do is flex muscle. and likewise, you can't whine when
> others go Machiavellian and flex theirs with you. the world doesn't
> wish ill will toward the US. The world only wishes that the US would
> get a taste of its own medicine. I think the best way would be
> economic. Let's see the Middle East countries switch to petro-euros
> from petro-dollars and then let's see a new world economic order
> develop that cuts the US out of the pie for awhile. That's the best
> Machiavellian result. And when it happens, you can't cry :-)
>> That is the fault of those who exchange democracy and republic as
>> interchangeable words. The school systems here suck, and you should
>> know this. But it's not so much better in Europe, despite what some of
>> our European mates might say (and this coming from one who received
>> primary education there).
> Oh I'd say it's a lot more than the school systems in the US. I'd say
> it has a lot more to do with ideology. After all, Rudy, not everyone
> is as decent as you and wears their fascism out there for all to see.
> Most of the right in the states like to pretend to be democrats and
> care about what the people think.
> I find your politics pretty odious, but I do give you a lot of credit.
> At least you come right out and situate yourself. That's far better
> than most. Unfortunately, for you, this means you will now have to
> endure a lot of lefty stuff from this list in mostly isolation, and
> when you complain about it, knowing where you're coming from, we'll
> now be able to ignore you. :-)
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