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Re: [microsound] new projects, and projects in general.

 I downloaded a few of the pi project tracks.I especially like the Later
Days , Gydja , and a couple others. David Fodel's track was pretty hot as
well. Even the ones I don't like are often times effective in their own

 I find the projects invigorating for the most part. -often times i don't
intend to contribute , since I feel if I put out half-inspired work  it will
be detrimental to my well-being.  Sometimes I'll have a stab a it and then
like the results and be encouraged to complete something.  I liked the
approach with the Stone and Riple project where people contributed other
materials than just completed tracks. I'd like to see more of this: perhaps
a project where people contribute elements of what a pop song should become
in the future. 

  A person could make a beat , or a vocal , or an instrument ,or text and a
person could make a mix etc.

 This might give an opportunity to listen to each other and express oneself
through listening.

 Maybe it would be possible to  do something w/o computers; except for the
final mix/master/mp3 .
There was a discussion awhile ago about how crucial the computer is to the
development , aesthetics of microsound.

  * just an idea

on 3/19/03 1:47 PM, Matthew Allen at matthew@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> I'm down with a new project. Its fun working on them. My one
> question is, besides for those of us how actually contribute to them, does
> anyone else get any joy from them? Eloy are there usually a certain amount
> of downloads once the pages are up? I dig doing the work (I would do it
> anyway on my own, with less of a specific focus) but I'm just interested in
> how the rest of the list views the projects.
