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Re: [microsound] war
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In a message dated 21/03/2003 00:44:15 GMT Standard Time,
r3dshift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> jealousy
jealousy is the popular thought these days, as if the entire world is a
place of savagery apart from the good old US of A, which is SOOOOOOOOO
, anyway, I know it's probably a predictable response, in the face of much
I can say though, from my own point of view, that whats annoying is the
whole flag-waving, fist-shaking "YeeHah, we're the greatest nation in the
world and we kick ass" thing", coupled with the obsession with geneaology,
it's like an insistence on the supremacy of being american, coupled with a
total denial of being american....through the "I'm half swedish, 1/3rd
belgian, a millionth chinese, and a wee bit of viking thrown in " response
whenever you ask an american "Where are you from?"
Maybe the contradictions are what makes it interesting, maybe theyre the
reason multiple personality disorder was invented....I know not. I now i'd
better shut up.
Anyway, how do i get Soundforge to open non audio files?? I can get Wavelab
to do it, but SF is my editor of choice.