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Re: [microsound] war
Hi Joe, thank you for reminding I'm not special than everyone else. I=20
am not, it's true.
BTW I'm not trying to oppress any freespeech. I just think this is=20
not time for diplomacy anymore even in the use of words, lies are=20
lies and this war if is still an image for us, for many it is already=20
phisical death. And I sensed the nazist tone in the ultimatum of=20
those three little men, an Hitlerian tone that I find disgusting as=20
disgusting is the military arrogance, the self investment of these=20
little men to the role of freeer in name of "democracy" and=20
peace....All this power and pride against an Arab vassal? There is no=20
proportion. If today weapons speak we have to speak louder, every day=20
of this dirty war must be a day in which we will speak of peace: the=20
real "battle" is now between the logic of war and the ideal of peace,=20
and that "battle" will be lost only if these or other little men
will decide to bomb three third of Umankind.
il fuoco non aspetta il sole per essere caldo,
n=E9 il vento la luna per essere fresco