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Re: [microsound] war
on 3/20/03 2:56 PM, Peter McCarter at purplenoise@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> nuclear weapon production is very easy to detect. the radiation left behind
> can be detected in the air, the soil, the water with little fuss. the U.N.
> inspectors have been testing all of the above and have found nothing.
Iraq was in the process of developing nuclear weapons.
UN inspectors also admitted how easy it is for Iraq to conceal chemical and
weapons from inspections which Iraq has a history of using.
> Haven't you noticed that as of late they've stopped saying nuclear weaons,
> and have been focusing on the chemical and biological? at least with those
> two it's somewhat plausible that they have them. somewhat plausible.
The problem with Sadam H. is he can not be trusted and he is a ruthless
Why do you want diplomacy with Iraq when you can not trust the government?
Because country's like France, Germany, and Russia who oppose the war have
huge "deals"
with Iraq so there is much financial interest in objecting this war.
If you have an open window of opportunity to overtake a country like Iraq it
is best to act on
this opportunity.
> and second, they don't hate western culture. they hate the U.S. there's a
> subtle but important difference there. they didn't attack the U.N.
> building, or an embassy of some other country. they didn't attack Ottawa or
> Mexico city, they attacked the heart of American greed. I don't know why
> they hate Americans, but I do know they have plenty of options to choose
> from.
I'm talking about Islamic Fundamentalist, people behind terrorist attacks
such as 9/11 which
targets the American civilian population, not Islam.
I support United States as a super power, I much rather see US dominance of
the world and
eventually a New World Order promoting a more modern technological system of
where people do have the freedom of expression something some of you list
members do not
understand or take for granted.
> don't take this as a personal insult, but I would suggest that you watch
> less CNN, CTV, or whatever biased newssource you've been watching/reading,
> and spend more time at CBC, or BBC.
> peter
I've been watching the BBC as well as the American networks and I also
understand the
anti-war stance.
I disagree with the anti-war people, this is not Vietnam, 21'st Century
warfare like with Iraq
servers a natural course in globalization.