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RE: [personal] Re: [microsound] KYMA/symbolic sound?


Iv'e been off list for a while but hello again..

> > wow! that explains a lot... where did you hear that? do they have a 
> > new album coming out or what? the gantz_graff ep/video (sp?) is 
> > absolutely amazing. can't wait to hear a new full length...
> They(Autechre) actually do have a new full-length album due 
> to be released.I agree,the Gantz-graff video is SICK!

The new Autechre album is called draft 7:30 and assuming that the 
"promo" copy doing the rounds is genuine (and if its not I will be 
checking out whoever made it) then its seriously excellent - perhaps 
a litte more structured than confield but the use of sound and texture 
is incredible. Can't wait for a proper "hi res" copy. 



junklight - dark experimental electronics 
