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Re: [microsound] war
spw wrote:
> Let's see, the US does not use chemical warfare on people during times of
> war
huh? Forgot about Vietnam? Agent Orange? Does that ring a bell?
and definitely
> not on it's own people.
Rumour has it there were test on its own people. I am sure several
people on this list can provide you with links. If I remember correctly
it has also been already mentioned in the list.
> We do not torture people by cutting of their limbs and dropping them in
> barrels of acid, nor do
> we brutally rape women (one of S's sons favorite hobbies)
again: HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN VIETNAM???? Have you forgotten how black
slave women were treated in your country? Where do all the "mixed
people" come from?
What a tremendous short-term memory some people seem to have.
By the way, I don't think other nations behaved gloriously better (but
at least they don't run around and present themselves as paragons of
virtue and humanity, as policemen of the world or as ethical voice of
the world as the U.S. does). No war without raping, unfortunately,
probably also no war without torturing: the Germans did, the Soviets
did, a lot of countries in the world do it at the very moment -- but you
have the nerve to deny that the U.S. did or does such as thing and that
Gimme a break,
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