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Re: [microsound] war

How about:


on 3/22/03 10:30 PM, spw at stevepwats@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> on 3/22/03 8:57 PM, p y o . - _ p 2 - . at pyo.p2@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: spw 
>>> To: microsound 
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:52 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [microsound] war
>>> We do not torture people by cutting of their limbs and dropping them in
>>> barrels of acid, nor do
>>> we brutally rape women (one of S's sons favorite hobbies) and take babies of
>>> incubators when
>>> invading another country.
>> give your sources, i give you mine :
>> http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0148/fsolomon.php
>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2607629.stm
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/alqaida/story/0,12469,882001,00.html
> There was great article on espn also stories about his son on most of the
> major networks.
> I'm not going to dig up links, why should I try and change the mind's of
> superficial people.
> You already made up your minds, besides I don't think a lot of you could
> change your minds
> you'll just be in denial when they find all the chemical weapons, it's going
> to take another 
> 9-11, it's going to take more than "no fear, war is not cool", "war is bad
> because people die",
> "Look at me I'm cool because I hate George Bush and war" to change my mind
> about war 
> against Iraq.
> To be honest I'm not a big fan of George Bush either but I think he's doing
> the US a favor.
> I should have invested in the stock market it's gone up since the war.
>>> if you really want to put things in perspective with out being some
>>> obnoxious peace protesting
>>> pollitaically correct fruit cake you would see that war is natural part of
>>> human nature and life
>>> isn't fair.
>> is it an excuse ?
>>> But lets take your mentality, who should we trust the American Government
>>> who are not 
>>> exactly saints
>>> by a long shot or Sadam Hussein?
>> maybe neither one nor the other
>>> Let's see, the US does not use chemical warfare on people during times of
>>> war and definitely
>>> not on it's own people.
>> even i'm not sure of what you affirms, do you think nappalm is better ?????
>>> Where are the concentration camps?
>>> Why isn't America brutally torturing and killing Iraqi soldier who lay down
>>> their arms?
>> http://www.amnestyusa.org/spanish/informeannual/ar2002.html
>>> The US troops who volunteered for the armed forces don't seem to have a
>>> problem fighting in this war, it isn't like young men are being drafted
>>> against there will to fight
>>> in a war they don't believe in.
>> is this there the proof of the founded good of a war?
>>> So yes I support American interest
>> 'American interest' you said it !!!!
>>> It's fashion statement, a recreational activity, the same people ignore bums
>>> on the side of the
>>> road.
>> http://www.iraqbodycount.net/bodycount.htm
>> : : p y o
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