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Re: [microsound] war
spw schrieb:
>I really don't need to explain the difference between the side effects of
>Agent Orange
>(which turned out to be a mistake) and chemical warfare agents like nerve
>gas or anthrax to kill off thousands of thousands of men, women, and
>I'm talking about this war, this is the year 2003.
Ok, talk of 2003. Rummy already stated the possibility to use not
deadly, but anaesthetical nerve gas during the probable street fighting
in Baghdad. Everyone who saw the pictures of the storm in the Musical
house in Moscow last year may remember how uncalculable the effects of
this gas are. . Ad of course this action will not be covered by any war
right. But we had to learn the last weeks that there are several rules
valid for all countries but the US of A.
>The American army IS way more humane to it's prisoners of war.
>American troops do not drop their prisoners or opposition forces in barrels
>of acid.
I doubt that you can grade up or down human treatment of pow's. Either
you do treat them following the rules of conventions of Geneva or you do
not. At Guantanamo Bay, the US army obviously decided to treat their
pows - well, let's say - different...
What I really find disgusting in your statement is the cynism with
that you state that everything is like "god-given", unchangeable and so
happening in the best of all possible worlds. War is a part of human
life? Life ain't fair? Why not try and change it? Why not try to
negotiate about contrary perspectives? Because the US don't have to?
Because they can take from the rest of the world whatever they want? By
military means? OK, go and swallow the next terrorist attacks. Prepare
for resistance. I don't want this kind of freedom that you want to
present me, the freedom to stand on the side of the stronger ones. What
arrogance!! You really embraced the hebephrenic self-perception of your
criminal government.