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Re: [microsound] war

actually. according to george w. bush it is. do yourself a favour and=20
listen to what he says sometime.

does it worry you at all that no one in the world, except for the 10-15=20=

in the current fundamentalist US christian regime that control the US,=20=

actually beleive or has any proof or can even make any sense out of the=20=

statements from the US regime that tries to connect Mr. Hussein with=20
terrorists like bin Laden??

exactly what is a "suicide bomber" when it comes to war? you should=20
recognize that with another filter they can be described as  "brave",=20
"heroes" etc.  with another filter it *is* war when you are attacked=20
and killed by military forces and you homes bulldozed ... oh, sorry=20
thats some other US-financed conflict ... we'll stick to one at a time.

your outlook on the world is extreme =FCbermensch, you know whats best=20=

for everyone right? why bother with elections? why not just let you and=20=

your friends decide ... ohhh, sorry again. my mistake. that's just what=20=

the small group that has taken control of the US is doing ;=3D))

s=F6ndagen den 6 april 2003 kl 12.35 skrev spw:

> Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a Christian crusade.
> People in Iraq are better off with out S.H. and his regime which=20
> supports
> terrorism.
> Baghdad was once a rich arts district and it can be once again.
> A solution to deal with the terrorist threat and the danger you=20
> encounter
> with urban combat
> and suicide bombers would be to develope a droid army.
