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Re: [microsound] war
The rest of the world, the majority of the Earths population do not enjoy
the freedom=20
Americans take for granted.
On one hand it's easy for x-gens to protest and criticize the government bu=
it's hard for them to go out
and vote especially during close elections and on the local level and then
people turn around criticize the president.
It goes to show we live in a superficial, spoiled society.
Are American troops marching into Iraq with holding a bible and cross tryin=
to convert Iraqi's?
Are they fininding increasing evidence of the use of the pontential use
chemical weapons and human attracities like mass graves?
Compared to S.H. is George Bush a bad person?
I dont think so.
on 4/6/03 6:55 AM, jan.larsson at jlarsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> actually. according to george w. bush it is. do yourself a favour and
> listen to what he says sometime.
> does it worry you at all that no one in the world, except for the 10-15
> in the current fundamentalist US christian regime that control the US,
> actually beleive or has any proof or can even make any sense out of the
> statements from the US regime that tries to connect Mr. Hussein with
> terrorists like bin Laden??
> exactly what is a "suicide bomber" when it comes to war? you should
> recognize that with another filter they can be described as "brave",
> "heroes" etc. with another filter it *is* war when you are attacked
> and killed by military forces and you homes bulldozed ... oh, sorry
> thats some other US-financed conflict ... we'll stick to one at a time.
> your outlook on the world is extreme =FCbermensch, you know whats best
> for everyone right? why bother with elections? why not just let you and
> your friends decide ... ohhh, sorry again. my mistake. that's just what
> the small group that has taken control of the US is doing ;=3D))