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Re: [microsound] war
> Compared to S.H. is George Bush a bad person?
Because this war can take us to "WORLD WAR III",
i think they're egally sick as hitler and others charles mansons, these
persons are black holes going to the end of the world.
> Are they fininding increasing evidence of the use of the pontential use
> chemical weapons and human attracities like mass graves?
> Yes.
All right so let's bomb all the dictated countries/civils (peace is our
job/peace keeper) ands let's go to "WORLD WAR III"
> On one hand it's easy for x-gens to protest and criticize the government but
> it's hard for them to go out
> and vote especially during close elections and on the local level and then
> people turn around criticize the president.
As you should know, i don't remember that the majority of americans clearly
voted for bush, there was a sort of strange mess with elections that gave
few protests, am i wrong ?
Usually i don't take part to this but i really can not read things like that
on a sunny weekend.
feels better now,