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Aphex Twin writing
sigh. So anyway, that said.... Aphex Twin has in fact written
something for a book that came out a few years ago that is a
discussion of contemporary electronic musicians and the tools they
use. He makes veiled references to SuperCollider and sings the
praises of ReCycle. I'll have to do some searching for the title
(sorry to be a tease), a friend of mine owns it actually if anyone
would like me to check with them and are not interested in hunting
around for it. :)
Jamie, I'm just curious, why would you antagonize someone for
wanting more information about a composer they clearly enjoy?
>So what?
>Does a composer need to be a writer? This attitude of being a commentator on
>one's own music has given us the worst of music, not the best. The end
>result stands alone, or not. Make up your own mind, but don't criticize the
>man for not writing. My own view is that Richard James is one of the world's
>best contemporary composers, with or without his "halo of mystery".
_one thought : many forms_