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Re: [microsound] //Copyright monopoly and creative sounds

On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 06:01  PM, Tim Kugel wrote:

> I do know that Matt Drudge is very interested in this as his comments 
> on C-SPAN (archived at his site) demonstate. 
> http://www.drudgereport.com/
> I also think it is silly for (for example) SONY to cry foul about 
> "pirated" SONY product when SONY makes the hardware that is used to 
> "pirate."

SONY is having major issues with this.  Their hardware division wants 
to make something to really compete with the iPod, but the music label 
will have none of that - even though more 'pirating' could probably be 
done with minidiscs and tapes and computers anyways.  Apple's simple 
DRM policy (at least, up until whatever is announced today) seems to 
work: you can put music onto the iPod, you can't take it off.  Well, 
not without some third party software anyways.  But this simple concept 
has worked thus far, it seems.  Yet SONY's music division is still 
terrified and won't let the hardware division make anything like it.  
The article is here:


> The issue is bigger than music for sure, and with today's political 
> climate, it reminds me of Fahrenheit 451, in that - we will soon have 
> to have "privileges," to DL information.

*Sigh*.  I think you're right.  Microsoft's "Palladium" gets really 
intense and can bind things down to the hardware level, which always 
worries me.  I have enough problems just moving serial number and 
preference information around between machines.  I'm not looking 
forward to a day when I buy a new computer or any other piece of 
digital equipment and find I can't access half my library without 
jumping through lots of hoops - even though I may even still be within 
my licensed "rights".

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