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Re: [microsound] music software for blind people (OT?)
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 13:52:35 +0930
Tim wrote:
> what kind of software (if any?) is available for him to use? Sonar & Cool Edit both interface with Jaws (apparently) but for starters / beginners sake, is there any simple, easy to operate sound design/ synthesis/ sample editing/ midi sequencing/ recording software that has been specifically made for use by blind people in mind?
I know of some blind people using audio software in linux. from what I've seen in some discussions on various mailing lists, it seems like blind people prefer text interfaces rather than voice activated GUI (which they cannot see anyways). I think ardour (ardour.sf.net), a multitrack mixer/recorder is aiming (in the future) to facilitate use for those visually impaired. Otherwise, there are many text based apps: supercollider, csound, cmix, ecasound, (a multitrack recorder with only a text interface) for which, incidentally, a blind programmer wrote an emacs major mode so he can control it right from the text editor. Ecasound can be used as a multi-effects processor using plugins and such. Many many tools are available in text (consult www.linux-sound.org for an exhaustive list with links), some are very simple little apps that do a task or 2 (i.e. Amber, non-relatime granular sampler) and they may run in the cygwin <http://www.cygwin.com/> emulator but I have no experience in t
And of course the software is free.
HTH and good luck
-- ./MiS
__ __ (_)___ Michal Seta
/ \/ \ _/^ _|
/ V |_ \ @creazone.32k.org