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[microsopund] droplifting
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Hello to all microsounders. This would be my first posting. 've been reading you for nearly a year. Am shamefully reticent.
Regarding droplifting music on the unsuspecting. Would anyone know what to make of anything like this? Once the perplexity had worn off would they immediatly return to dull complacency.
"Oh! that's what it is", and file it under things they don't have the time or inclination for.
What does being non-complacent mean? Does it mean being an obsessive nerd spending all one's life trying to keep up with some fixation which may have redeeming qualities but which is somehow insular and saddening.
This music, a lot of the stuff that has real creativity and originality seems these days to be separated from the access or understanding of the majority in our nevertheless priviledged society. Who has the time or inclination. If you do have the time and the inclination, what does it all mean?
I feel I could do worse with my time. I don't watch T.V., haven't really since I was eleven or twelve years old. The strange thing I remember back then I didn't like the condescension & shoddiness, at the same time I couldn't comprehend how anyone could exist or be normal without one. You were cut off from discourse and relation with other human beings without a television in the home. In spite of my very early disaffection, I couldn't see the more frightening side to it. That the majority were cut off from these things and most people were predisposed to confabulation on a massive scale. The norm was television was a part of the definition of the norm. Of course this was also very middle-class.
Now I've remerged with this medium ( I was a Luddite untill about two years ago) and it ironically seems amongst the few ways to possibly achieve these things. Whatever I mean by that. Absurd huh. Never had a problem with computers and see much inevitable potential indeed irony. There is much more one could go on about from this point but will leave that for now.
An interesting idea (droplifting) though and I'm for anything that provokes the slightest amount of interest for me or anyone else. May take a few with me next time I'm downtown, which is let see now Wedensday, mmmm hoo hoo ha ha...
Brian Ferguson