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Re: [microsound] Cassette Tape Loops

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looks cool,
do you have any link ?
yhanks in advance.
: : p y o

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
/ http://pyo.free.fr
// http://wigs.project.free.fr
/// http://pause.asso.free.fr
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: scott allison=20
  To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx=20
  Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 5:49 PM
  Subject: [microsound] Cassette Tape Loops

  In the new issue of Punk Planet, there is a DIY guide on how to create =
  cassette loop using a cassette tape, really kinda cool easy way to =
make a=20
  tape loop.

  Just thought some of you into experimenting with non-digital =
  technology would like this.

  Scott Allison

  Get MSN 8 and help protect your children with advanced parental =
controls. =20

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