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Re: [microsound] sony
call me crazy, but it seems that the process of musical styles moving=20
from small enclaves to mainstream acceptance is not only inevitable,=20
but necessary=2E not to mention how fuddy-duddy and frightened it makes=20=
one seem if one is really frightened of having "their" genre be=20
discovered by "too many" other people=2E that's what happened to the=20
punk kids throughout the eighties, and you know what, you just can't=20
stop it being co-opted=2E everything will be if it can sell, if enough peo=
are interested in it=2E and i say let britney make a glitch record=2E i'm =
will sound really goddamn slick and 180deg from the genre's original=20
intention, but hey, if that takes off, maybe everyone on this list might b=
able to produce one hit record for someone and spend the rest of their=20
lives living comfortably, making the art they want to make=2E you condemn=20=
yourself to redundancy if you latch on to one musical style so hard=2E=20
these things are in constant flux and nothing stays underground=2E=20
nothing stays cutting edge, otherwise there wouldn't be cutting edge=2E i=20=
love the sound of many microsound-and-lowercase-and-glitch-and-=20
whatever-the-hell-else-you-want-to-call-it artists, but i spend most of=20=
my time trying to figure out how to use the sound they've pioneered in=20
my own way, in the next wave of music, rather than trying to ape it=2E=20
they're all just tools=2E genre should really not be lifestyle=2E that's j=
asking for heartache=2E
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