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re: Mainstream, sampling cd's et al.

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Just as a stupid question:

How does what anyone else in the entire world does affect your ability to make the music you want to do?  If the next 15 minutes of fame belongs to glitch, well, why should you even care.  One should do what they do because they do what they want to hear, and do it with the tools they choose, and send the rest of 'em to hell...

Besides, honestly speaking... do you REALLY think that the brainless unwashed masses of this country are going to listen to any really heavy microsound stuff?  Much past the Bjork album, and I don't think they are going to be able to handle it (and most can't even handle it that far!)   16 year old football players driving by in their daddy's cars listening to the latest max patch neurologicaly disturbed mutation of field recordings?  The same people who hang around in the keyboard section playing with automatic acidmachines trying to learn how to program Csound or Supercollider?  Um... rest assured I think that you (I)(we) are safely on the fringe of things for the next um, several decades or so...


