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Today, digital content is predominantly distributed and consumed via the
Internet. We are barraged with web audio, QuickTime movies, interstitial
ads, banner ads, pop-up ads, html spam, and clever Flash pages while we
travel from page to page. We typically request none of this extra content.
In a manner of speaking, we are victims of droplifting when subjected to th=
tsunami of unsolicited information. Fellow list member Tobias van Veen once
made the point that the general laisser-faire attitude towards file trading
may be a result of our constant exposure to free content, i.e., advertising=
We learn to consider content as being 'free' because we are forced to
consume it whether we want to or not.
What does this have to do with droplifting? Droplifting is an anarchic form
of distribution that leverages traditional methods of moving content yet
establishes a direct connection between the artist and consumer.
The object enters their world as a gift, a surprise; as an object without a
predetermined value. However, as the receiver begins to explore the object
they build a personalized value: interesting artifact, disposable garbage,
art curio, or inspirational device. It arrives _unexpected_ and this is
perhaps the most important part of the equation. When the frame of
exchange-value is removed from the object it is allowed to float, unattache=
to any system, free to become whatever the new owner thinks it should be:
chimera, gift, or mistake. The object becomes a mirror for the owners
psyche. The feelings that are triggered provide a context with which the
piece is discovered and explored.
This project will be conducted in the following manner:
List members will upload music, visuals, text into the appropriate folders
on the hotline server=8Ayou may upload whatever you like so long as it has
something to do with the theme of droplifting and microsound=8Aonce all the
folders start to get filled with content (there is no threshold set as to
when people can start downloading=8Ait's up to the individual) any list membe=
can start downloading content they think would make for an interesting
droplift object and burn it to CDR=8Athe final object can be an audio CD,
CDROM, DVD, Hybrid CD, etc=8Apeople can also make and upload CD covers and
artwork to be used for printing out=8Aof course listing the content on the
cover depends on what is ultimately contained on the CDR=8A
the next step is to burn multiple copies (5+) and clandestinely distribute
them by droplifting them into unexpected contexts=8Ahere are some ideas as to
where to drop them:
- in CD racks at your local CD shop
- into books or magazines at a book store or library
- into AOL CDROM packages (slice open and reseal)
- into peoples mailboxes
- in coworkers desks at work
- on a table at a restaurant after leaving
- into mailboxes in a random apartment building
- mail inboxes of a friends company
that=B9s pretty much it=8Athe project is intentionally left open to drift and
float along at its own speed and trajectory=8A
I will assigning hotline accounts until Tuesday the 9th! after that I will
not be able to assign any hotline accounts until end of October! ask me NOW