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Re: [microsound] the politics of open-source (was: PD Linux audio workshops
On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 10:32, Phil Thomson wrote:
> I find that, for me, the major barrier to using more open source
> software is accessibility. Given that I don't have a programming
> background, I don't really know all that much about using compilers, and
> it's hard for me to use software that requires the use of a compiler for
> installation. If something goes wrong with the compilation, I usually
> just have to delete everything, as I have no idea how to fix it.
I don't have programming background. I'm just a musician. But,
granted, I have some, limited, drive for hacking around. Installing
software isn't all that difficult. First of all, most apps come in
binary version which you either simply unpack or install using the
installation tools available for your system (fink for OS X?).
Otherwise, most packages auto-configure themselves so installing is as
simple as running
./make install
It isn't always that simple. But generally, if you have required
libraries, it works out-of-the-box.
> Open-source software also tends to presume a high level of computer
> knowledge to which not everyone has access.
Not at all. In fact most open source developers are counting on your
feedback to make their software better, easier to use etc. My mom, who
has no computer knowledge, is running a Linux system. Granted, I do the
necessary installations. But she can use the software. To her it
doesn't make any difference.
> And unfortunately, there is
> a not a lot of open-source software available that does the kinds of
> things I want to do.
Not knowing what is that you want to do, it's hard to answer, but it's
rather surprising... see linux-sound.org and perhaps linux-artist.org
for different sf available for linux artists.
> I do use some OS stuff, like PD and Csound, but given my level of
> computer-savviness, I'm limited in how much OS stuff I can make use of.
Well, using pd and csound proves that your computer savviness is way
beyond using something like thonk... You have the prerequisites for a
hacker :)
> If you know about more OS audio software for OS X, I'd love to hear
> about it. And yes, I already know about Audacity. It's a great app, but
> needs to become more stable before I can use it more.
I don't know because I don't use OS X. look at the linux-sound page.
See if any apps interest you and see if there are ports for OS X. It
could be simply a matter of recompiling an app and a developer can guide
you through the process of making it work. This way other OS X users
will be able to take advantage of the app.
Open source depends on its community.
__ __ (_)___ Michal Seta
/ \/ \ _/^ _|
/ V |_ \ @creazone.32k.org