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Re: [microsound] the politics of open-source (was: PD Linux audio workshops

On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 13:11, Phil Thomson wrote:

> I'm a reasonably intelligent person, so it stands to reason that if I
> can't figure out a compiler on my own, then I need some help, and I dont
> know where to find that help (and I have looked).

Actually, posting a simple message such as 'the compilation of the app
failed with the following message: blahblahblah on this system: blah' is
very common on software specific mailing lists.  Those usually get
answered.  Most of the time it's a matter of missing or misplaced
dependency.  With time you will learn the meaning of various errors and
you will be able to fix things yourself.  No programming skill required.

The side effect is that you end up subscribing to a million mailing
lists but once you've sorted out the problems you can unsub.

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     / 	\/  \ _/^ _|
    /  	     V |_  \ @creazone.32k.org
