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Re: [microsound] open audio license

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Yes, the creative commons licenses are great, but it seems there's
nothing to prevent someone from taking something released under any of
their licenses, sampling it, releasing a mega-hit that makes a million
bucks, and not sharing any of that wealth with the original artist. This
might be particularly problematic given the fact that, for example, the
archive.org site contains a number of recordings by black blues artists.
Would the proceeds from a sampling of these 'open-source' recordings go
to the descendents of these artists? Or would they go only into the
coffers of the already-profitable? Whose creativity? Whose commons?


<-----Original Message----->

The EFF Open Audio License is a great idea, but some of the people who 
worked on it have now gone on to Creative Commons to make some licenses 
which are a bit easier to deploy. Their Attribution-ShareAlike license 
is the one which is closest in sprit to the GPL.


They have some great education/information resources on their site as 

and just fyi, there are about 100 artists (with a preponderance of 
experimental electronic musicians) now releasing music under the CC 
Attribution-ShareAlike license in the Opsound Open Pool.


And if you're interested in copylefting your music and releasing it 
under any of the Creative Commons licenses, the Internet Archive will 
host your audio files for free on their site (they have huge resources) 
as part of their Open Source Audio Collection:


On Nov 4, 2003, at 8:37 PM, john saylor wrote:

> hi
> the eff has come up with an open audio license that is tries to
> facilitate for music what the GPL has done for software:
> http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/eff_oal.php
> and as far as open source docs go, the gnu manifesto is pretty much
> ground zero:
> http://www.gnu.org/gnu/manifesto.html
> -- 
> \js /;[+&"; #!-[[^? /|*';"?/~ )
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