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Re: [microsound] no OS

>From: "bitmoth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
>my statement has nothing to do with political debate.

But in my opinion the attitude contained in your statement mirrors certain 
current political attitudes as I pointed out.  Similarly I could read 
political meaning into an artwork and share my interpretation with others.  
My reading may be wrong and you (the artist) may take exception to it, but I 
would like to think that I'm free to communicate my interpretation other 
people.  Then maybe I can learn how others think and if the consensus is 
that I'm full of shit I can modify my thinking.

>lord knows i enjoy
>a good completely useless argument with everybody just spouting off
>willy-nilly. and i do NOT believe people should keep their views to
>themself, especially about life and death and the country they have to
>do both in. and i do NOT agree in official versions of the truth.

What else could ever constitute the "certainty" that you described earlier 
than some officially designated version of truth?  How can you ever approach 
an artwork with the absolute intellectual certainty you ask for without 
resorting to an official truth as determined by a political, artistic, or 
intellectual establishment?

>i was
>merely making an observation that to critique anything at all implies
>that you have some kind of insight which is keener or truer than another
>by all means tell me what you
>think IF you understand that you are only describing your utterly
>subjective reaction to it.

No, not necessarily keener or truer just possibly different.  And the 
understanding of our subjectivity is inherent in everything we say on this 
list unless you believe in some absolute objective truth (see above).

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