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are there any
----- Original Message -----
From: "pelagius pelagius" <pela_gius@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] no OS
> >From: "bitmoth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> >my statement has nothing to do with political debate.
> But in my opinion the attitude contained in your statement mirrors certain
> current political attitudes as I pointed out. Similarly I could read
> political meaning into an artwork and share my interpretation with others.
> My reading may be wrong and you (the artist) may take exception to it, but
> would like to think that I'm free to communicate my interpretation other
> people. Then maybe I can learn how others think and if the consensus is
> that I'm full of shit I can modify my thinking.
> >lord knows i enjoy
> >a good completely useless argument with everybody just spouting off
> >willy-nilly. and i do NOT believe people should keep their views to
> >themself, especially about life and death and the country they have to
> >do both in. and i do NOT agree in official versions of the truth.
> What else could ever constitute the "certainty" that you described earlier
> than some officially designated version of truth? How can you ever
> an artwork with the absolute intellectual certainty you ask for without
> resorting to an official truth as determined by a political, artistic, or
> intellectual establishment?
> >i was
> >merely making an observation that to critique anything at all implies
> >that you have some kind of insight which is keener or truer than another
> >person's,
> >by all means tell me what you
> >think IF you understand that you are only describing your utterly
> >subjective reaction to it.
> No, not necessarily keener or truer just possibly different. And the
> understanding of our subjectivity is inherent in everything we say on this
> list unless you believe in some absolute objective truth (see above).
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