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Re: [microsound] (OT) Midi Guitar?

non-pitch-specific rhythmic strumming (funk style percussive stuff)
translates well into a garble of quasi-notes and glitches... basically
sounds like you've dropped a synth down the stairs...

devslashnull wrote:

> you could engineer a patch in Max etc, which does some analysis on
> incoming audio, perhaps breaking out several bands using some
> filtering, and convert the resultant amplitude for example, into
> integers, do a little math on it, and constrain it into note number
> ranges (0-127)... although I don't imagine it would track very well...
> as evidenced by Graham's post, there are hardware units that do just
> this, and work quite well.... although it would be fun to play around
> with the poor tracking just to see what happens.

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