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Re: [microsound] mix cd's pt 2
On Monday, February 2, 2004, at 06:36 PM, Rob wrote:
DJs (who buy a lot of music) would be unlikely to purchase underground
dance records at all if they thought they were going to be prosecuted.
This is why I proposed a DJ license, this way producers could give
permission to play the record in public in advance with the purchase
of the record itself.
As far as I know, DJ's do not have to have permission to play records
in a club. It is the responsibility of the club-owner to secure the
appropriate licensing to allow for the playing of copyrighted works in
their establishment. Same goes for a restaurant and even for radio
stations. The venue takes on whatever liability there might be. Now
whether or not the venue actually pays the licensing fees is another
issue altogether. My guess is that a venue that typically hosts live
original music and hence pays no licensing fees, might not even
consider it an issue that a DJ is gonna show up and play other peoples
copyrighted music.
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