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Re: [microsound] Powerbook hard drive speed

Well I haven't done hardware professionally for years, but afaik there 
shouldn't be anything specifically apple about this.  Of course the 
normal notebook rules apply as far as dealing with fragile cables and 
connectors, and the normal computing rules apply as far as backing up 
your data.  But as for something powerbook specific?  Nothing I've heard 
of yet.  When I get around to doing the replacement, I'll post any 
interesting tidbits I discover.  In the meantime if anyone else beats me 
to it please post whatever cautions you may discover. 

Garrett wrote:

> any reason to be concerned about putting one of these in a powerbook 
> specifically?  i guess i haven't heard about replacing pb drives very 
> often....
> On Mar 26, 2004, at 6:41 AM, sander-martijn wrote:
>> Whether firewire drives perform better or worse depends on a number 
>> of things including what other firewire devices are attached/being 
>> used - For me my slow internal powerbook drive benchmarks better than 
>> my faster firewire drive - this may have something to do with there 
>> being only one firewire port and i also have my m-audio 410 hooked up 
>> to it.  Your best bet is to replace the internal with this:
>> HITACHI/IBM 2.5" 60GB 08K0939 NOTEBOOK HDD 9.5MM *7200RPM* 8 MB
>> the best price I've seen for it is *$203.00 *and I think the shipping 
>> will run you another $10.  That's here:
>> http://www.mwave.com/mwave/skusearch.hmx?SCriteria=AA22680
>> or if you don't mind sparing the 10GB you can double your cache and 
>> lower your cash (sorry ;)
>> That's for $192 here:
>> http://www.mwave.com/mwave/viewspec.hmx?scriteria=AA25180
>> There may be other options but these are the two I know of.
>> One of these will definitely be my next upgrade.  Just have to hold 
>> off until after 4/15...
>> .sander
>> *
>> *
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sander-martijn <mailto:sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
digital media explorer
sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
severeddreams <http://www.severeddreams.com>
