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Re: [microsound] (OT) sampling
> Anyone got any suggestions for getting random people and friends to talk
> a mic about random stuff for further editing.
Well, i met this guy a few days ago who was doing soundscapes and
instalations and who was currently collecting voice samples. He used a
portable mini disk recorder and those mikes that double as earplugs. He
simply wore those in normal conversation. We spoke at some lenght about our
mutual facination with sounds that could "almost be recognised", he worked
with samples that he'd process while i spoke about my own work that's based
in synthesis. Though he mentioned recording the whole conversation, i felt
much more relaxed than i would've been if a normal mike would've been
pointed at me.
Ethically speaking i'd say you'd have to inform your "victim" you're
recording, but that doesn't need to spoil the effect of the mikes being much
less present if you're relaxed about it. Chances are you'll be throwing away
a lot of the material you collect this way but that's still better than
throwing away all of it when your friends go "all affected and gothic".
Aparently it worked for him and i got some stimulating ideas out of the
conversation, perhaps it'll work fot you, your friends or random people on
the street too.
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