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Re: [microsound] puff 'n stuff
On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 14:30, Michal Seta wrote:
> There was a discussion about this recently on linux-audio-user list.
> It seems that, for now, it's better to stick to the patched 2.4.xx
> kernel. It has also been pointed out that preemptive patches aren't
> actually of that importance for audio latency. However, some people
> have reported success with 2.6.
I keep thinking I should subscribe to the LAU list, but all of my own
development is fairly cross platform at the moment (Python calling
csound -L for example), but thanks for the tip... I was wondering
whether I should switch back to 2.4 to try it. I just like the
convenience of using 2.6 for a few unrelated reasons.
> Have you tried
> http://myweb.cableone.net/eviltwin69/ALSA_JACK_ARDOUR.html ?
> Don't be fooled by the title, it all pretty much applies to more
> recent distros.
Thanks, I'll take a look. What I'd really like is to just export my
Linux applications with remote X to my mac's desktop and use Jack over
the network so I could mix the audio on the mac.
At the moment I sometimes use Ardour exported with X like that but I'm
not exactly sure what to do about using Jack over the network.
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