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RE: [microsound] What are considered to be the classic microsound albums?

Yes, I love Fragment Dots. I dont' know why Tetsu is hardly ever mentioned on this board as he is THE man, IMHO. 

>>Tetsu Inoue's "Fragment Dot"

Also, just a few

Kim Cascone(anything recent) {drippy, blippy, synthetic goodness}

O/r (nosei sakata & richard chartier) on 12k {

     i was listening to this in my cube on very low volume and a     coworker, minutes after sitting down with a question, begged me to turn it off. he said, in his very charming russian accent, it's like a drill into my brain. exactly.


Active:Freeze (Tetsu Inoue & taylor deupree)on 12k {

    tetsu's psuedo-melodic side with deupree's starkness, wotta mix


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