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[microsound] Re: microsound] On promo

>>I try to interact when I can, but on my end of things what I find to be twenty times more annoying is when people keep complaining about pertinent promo posts, not to mention "chat room e-mails" consisting of little quips like "yep, me too." that add to the 40-50+ .microsound emails that fill up my mail box everyday. 

At the risk of being a "yep, me too" guy, I'd say that I agree with this.  How hard is it to scan something and tell whether or not its relevant?  Plus, I like finding out what's going on where, even if its nowhere near where I live.  I just don't really understand why its such a big deal to read about the issue of some limited run of 200 CDs in a promo email.  How else are you going to hear about some of these people, you know?  I don't keep track, but I'm sure I've heard about a number of low-profile-type artists, not just microsound, via promoional types of emails.  People come to these lists for different reasons, but I don't think I'm going out on a limb by saying that people generally want information, to be informed.  

-matt mitchell

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