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Re: [microsound] On promo
Hello list ::::
I found this list whilst looking for places to promote a new label.
Whilst I might do that from time to time - because our output may be of
interest to the list - Kim for example has requested a copy of our cd - I am
also interested in hearing and learning more about the microsound scene ::::
At times though the music - represents a thousand words - in terms of
getting across where you are coming from :::: The ideas within sound you are
playing with ::::
I personally have some difficulties articulating the art-jargon - sometimes
these words feel like the promotion of self-intellect - words on a computer
screen - when you can't see the face they belong too - you can't tell
whether their is emotion behind them :::: But sometimes the concepts are
extremely interesting to me - I really enjoyed the discussion on silence &
Cage's views.
But as a relatively new member - if I do over step the line in relation to
promo - then I would appreciate an email from individuals - rather than to
be ignored
It is all about learning the norms of the community - and I want to stay
involved here to the best of my ability.
David Newman
Audiobulb Records
----- Original Message -----
From: "derek holzer" <derek@xxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] On promo
> I'd like to back Steve up on this one:
> Steve Polta wrote:
> > I happen to find promotional posts from list members
> > who do not participate or constructively contribute in
> > any other way really annoying (this opinion applicable
> > to any list, not just this one).
> A mailing list is a community, and I think that posting advertisements
> and self-promotion is a priviledge, not a right, in a community like
> that. If the sum total of your message to this community is "come to my
> show, buy my CD", that isn't much different than the way that the major
> labels market their crap. And I'd rather not hear it.
> But I do enjoy seeing what the people who add some light to this list
> are up to in their lives and work. I guess it's just a matter for your
> own conscience...
> d.
> --
> derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
> ---Oblique Strategy # 12:
> "Always give yourself credit for having more than personality"
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